

thanks to @MossRCā€™s exceptional book Shareware Heroes, TIL that TUCOWS stood for The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software.

Its earliest incarnation began in 1991 when founder Scott Swedorski, then a recent college graduate, took a job at a library consortium as a system administrator for an initiative called FALCON (Flint Area Library Cooperative Online Network). 'At the time people started hearing more and more about getting online, he recalls,
'but there was no simple way to do it unless you wanted to use something like AOL or Prodigy.'
Swedorski wanted to help library patrons navigate what the online world had to offer, and so he came up with a simple one-page document. 'It highlighted some applications with instructions on how to install and use them,' he says.
But quickly the document expanded to two pages, then three, then four, and so on, and in his spare time Swedorski decided to teach himself HTML and turn it into a website.
He called it The Ultimate Collection of Winsock Software - referencing its focus on Windows networking software. Fans called it UCOWS or TUCOWS for short (in September 1995 it would officially become TUCOWS after the purchase of a domain name).

@vga256 @MossRC I loved TUCOWS and used to moo every time I saw the logo.

@vga256 @MossRC I'm still a Tucows customer!

@vga256 @MossRC

Forgive me for barging in, but Iā€™m curious if it mentions Aminet?

@rk @vga256 It does, yes, although the Fish Disks get more attention in the book than Aminet.

@vga256 @MossRC @bobdobberson now I feel old ;)

@PopeASDF better than feeling young and dumb. :P

@vga256 @MossRC