

really excited to finally have a copy of @MossRC’s Shareware Heroes!

A paperback edition of Shareware Heroea: The renegades who redefined gaming at the dawn of the internet.

@vga256 @MossRC nice! i bought physical copies of for myself, dad, and brothers

@vga256 @MossRC I’ve been slowly reading through that myself! It’s a great read.

@vga256 Happy reading! Hope you enjoy it. I've been meaning to get a few blog posts together on the book's website going into complementary materials and highlighting themes that weren't much explored (like there being only a handful of women in shareware or the wide world of shareware gamedev tools).

@arjache @MossRC woo! can’t wait to crack it

@MossRC fantastic. it’s a real privilege for me to finally get an in depth history of the shareware scene. i grew up with a local shareware distributor in my city, and all of the companies/games you cover are ones that were sold on floppy out here, and distributed on local BBSs

on the subject of shareware gamedev tools, i recently came across this fascinating game making toolkit which may be of interest:

looking forward to reading a new post :)

@vga256 I remember I saw you mention that one and thought "ooh, I should look at that when I get my Pocket 386 set up." It seems to have a lot of depth to it.

@MossRC i can think of few other Windows 3.x-based shareware gamedev tools quite like it. after quite a bit of archival research, i could find out very little about the company/person who made it.

@vga256 @MossRC OH wicked. Great cover, too.