

really excited that this treasure came in today

while most people remember Myst, fewer remember cyan's earlier first-person hypercard adventures like The Manhole, Spelunx and Cosmic Osmo.

spelunx has a unique and wonderful art style - robyn's 1-bit black/white paintings are crisp, imaginative, and delightful. but what surprises me the most is that *colour* sprites are mixed in at specific places. i do not know of other games that feature both colour and b+w support simultaneously during gameplay. (fwiw, if your macintosh was 1-bit, it would show 1-bit art in its place)

this is the launch edition of the game, ca. 1991. two years later, after the success of Myst, would re-release Spelunx with repainted 256 colour art. robyn himself isn't a fan of the repainted art, and i can understand why. the originals are incredible examples of what macpaint and hypercard are capable of together.

i especially like that the game includes a Hypercard 2.1 diskette, because there were no guarantees that macintosh owners would have a copy of their own.

attached is the receipt I found in the game. it appears the Colbert family of Fayetteville, Georgia bought this for their kids a few days after christmas '92 - one can imagine santa brought the family a new mac for christmas a few days earlier :)

if you're interested in cyan's untold history, i highly recommend @MossRC's wonderful interview with robyn miller on the b+w adventure series:

A boxed copy of Spelunx and the Caves of Mr. Seudo, along with its five floppy disks. An invoice for Midnight Rescue and Spelunx for the Apple Macintosh.

The invoice is dated December 28, 1992. The games are priced at $39.95 each, plus tax. It was purchased at AIS Computers in Fayetteville, Georgia. A black and white illustration of a bird, with a colour "x-ray" image overtop. As the user moves the x-ray box, it reveals a colour skeleton of the animal beneath.

@vga256 @MossRC i think i have a copy of this and i think this is motivating me to play it

@vga256 I wish I still had my Spelunx box. So many wonderful memories connected to that game. It's one of the titles that I revisit every couple of years.

@MossRC I only had played Osmo growing up, and I was delighted a few months ago by the colour sprites.

it took me about 3 years to find a reasonably priced copy of the original edition. hopefully game prices continue to drop

@vga256 @MossRC I always wondered how the spelunx level editor worked. I didn't know enough HyperCard at the time to make a theory but I do remember it edited the stack directly. Wonder if it has a resource in there...?

@leadedsolder @MossRC what a great question. that was a really unique part of the gameplay - i had forgotten about it!

@vga256 @MossRC I will have to look into it one day. Maybe it's a good blog entry! It's no longer present in the Windows port that's on Steam.

@vga256 @MossRC So far it seems to be updating the "Spelunx" and "Spelunx - Builder" files. No obvious resources in here for level format, just stuff like the colour PICTs that make up the background and clickable elements. Assuming it changes the data fork, will try to get a hex editor into the emulator.
I have mangled the level layout of the castle, placing the Seudoscope room right next to the elevator. Spelunx and Spelunx-Builder are the only files that show a modification date of October 2023

@leadedsolder @MossRC fascinating. i've never delved at all into hypercard sourcefile hacking

@vga256 @MossRC Me neither. I might write some tools to do a diff or something, but it's getting late and I would rather not bite off a piece quite this big right now. Unexpected if it is actually modifying the source code. There's what looks like a big array definition square in the middle of Spelunx-Builder but I would assume the same array to be copied into Spelunx, but I don't see it.

Bonus: hypercard stack data forks end in Swedish for "now it is over"
A giant array, mostly empty, inside Spelunx-Builder The end of the stack reads "Nu, är det slut."

@PearlescentFerret hard to imagine a weirder visual pool for dreams than spelunx 😅

@PearlescentFerret also: i hereby formally declare that the title should be renamed to include an exclamation mark as you correctly noted

@PearlescentFerret wow! i had to look up the latter. i know what you mean - our house was full of weird not-quite-for-kids cartoons like Wizards and The Last Unicorn