@MossRC you don't know of any good books or documentaries about the inter-Steve years at Apple, do you by chance? it's the biggest gap in my computer history knowledge right now
@CodingItWrong Apple Confidential 2.0 covers that era a bit. I’ve not read the Making of Newton book, but it gets into a specific part of the story at Apple in those years. And there’s a film called Love Notes to Newton that I never got around to seeing. Those are the only ones I can think of. There are a lot of articles online and in old magazines, too, but they’re pretty scattered around.
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@MossRC Thanks! I just ordered Apple Confidential 2.0 based on this.
If you haven't seen it, @Cdespinosa shared this blog post with a lot of resources too: https://cdespinosa.tumblr.com/post/58310918523/further-reading