

We got some killer dev stories into the 4.5 hour runtime of FPS: First Person Shooter. Most are positive, about influences, design revelations, and fun stories, but we managed to sneak in references to how brutal and crushing the work was too. Here's one quote from the doc that we're sharing around.

You can preorder the film in digital or limited edition blu-ray (including a "big box" version) at until August 1st.
Cliff Bleszinski quote on the development of Unreal: "I was 16 hours a day, just working. It was sleep, work, sleep, work. Pounding cases of Mountain Dew. I don't know how I didn't get kidney stones."

@MossRC I can’t helpt but wonder how effective these long days are? I can’t imagine people being productive after 6 - 8 hours. Let alone 16!

Could you get a grip on this?

@simeon They tend to *feel* productive, but these days we have a whole lot of scientific data to show that productivity rises slightly for the first week or two then drops significantly when people work more than 8 hours a day.

I bet there are a lot of bugs in games made through crunch that could be directly attributed to programmers working under crunch conditions and getting sloppy with their code.

@MossRC I ordered the Big Box just now.
That will be a great addition to the "I'm too young to die" Big Box. :)