

Whoever decided this is the "perfect one-handed size" must have enormous hands. If you can't reach every part of the screen with your thumb while holding it comfortably, it's not a one-handed phone.

I really miss the world where 5.9 inches was considered a phablet. *looks wistfully at his Unihertz Titan Pocket and ageing Xperia XZ1 Compact, mourning a forgotten age when _actual_ small phones could have powerful specs*

@MossRC I think my 5.4" iPhone 12 mini is a bit big and heavy.

The previous phone I actually found comfortable was the 4" first gen iPhone SE (same design as iPhone 5S). That was an truly ergonomic phone!

But last year none of the new phones had the 12 mini size, let alone the 5S size. Why must all phones be giant? ๐Ÿ˜”

@MossRC I use the iPhone 13 mini and itโ€™s too big to use with one hand. I miss the Original to iPhone 4s size, those were perfect.

@torb There are a whole lot of reasons for having a big phone that I can completely understand, but what bums me out is that there are millions of us who want something comfortable in a roughly 3.5"-4.5" range and we're almost completely ignored now.

I remember back when Apple released the iPhone I saw one of the designers talking about how they chose 3.5" for the screen because their research showed that was the optimal size for the majority of adults to touch any part of the screen with their thumb without stretching or changing grip. With today's tiny bezels that would be around 4-4.5".

@metalsnake Makes you wonder why they bothered having a "mini" version. When Apple first started making their flagship phones bigger than four inches I remember thinking "oh no, now everybody's going to phase out their one-handed smartphone options." But I never predicted that "mini" and "tiny" would be redefined as devices that are only comfortable to *hold* (but not use) in one hand.