

I quote-tweeted about this game earlier on the birdsite, but it's such wholesome fun I thought I should share here — this is Capture the Flag, a once-popular mid-90s shareware DOS game inspired by an overnight boy scouts trip and Sid Meier's Civilization. It's a non-violent and rather-elaborate computer version of the traditional sport, and it has you spend most of your time exploring the map or running across fields and ducking behind rocks, trying to be unseen by the other team(s).

I covered its development and reception in my Shareware Heroes book, along with creator Richard Carr's other excellent games (and the work of many other shareware creators).
Capture the Flag game title screen. A red team lookout peers to the left while a blue team member hides in a bush, ready to jump out and rush for the red flag. A Quick Start guide for Capture the Flag. The visible text here talks about how the field is divided into two equal zones, one for each side. There are many different terrain types that affect visibility and movement, and you take turns navigating this space, exploring concealed territory. Your goal is to grab the other side's flag before they grab yours. A screenshot from an in-progress match. Francis is walking towards the midpoint line, while a red team player stands nearby in the trees Another screenshot of the game in progress. A blue team player is crouched behind a rock because he is almost out of movement points and wants to remain hidden from view.